ZeROH Cells

What are ZeROH Cells?

ZeROH Cells are the heart and soul of our initiative, serving as supportive community groups where individuals can come together to address alcohol-related harm and support each other on their journey to sobriety. These cells provide a safe and non-judgmental space for members to share their experiences, seek guidance, and receive support from peers who understand their struggles.

How Do ZeROH Cells Function?

In a ZeROH Cell, members gather regularly to engage in discussions, share resources, and work towards common goals of sobriety and wellness. Meetings typically include activities such as group discussions, goal-setting exercises, and support sessions facilitated by trained champions or mentors.

Joining or Starting a ZeROH Cell

Joining a ZeROH Cell is easy! Simply visit our website and use our interactive map or search function to find a ZeROH Cell in your community. If there isn’t one nearby, consider starting your own ZeROH Cell and be a catalyst for positive change in your area. Our team will provide guidance and support every step of the way to help you establish and maintain a successful ZeROH Cell.