

Intervention area 1 : Alcohol Addiction


Recognizing Signs and Stages:

ZeROH provides information and resources to help individuals and their loved ones recognize the signs and stages of alcohol addiction. From understanding the physical and behavioral symptoms to identifying triggers and risk factors, we offer guidance to support those struggling with addiction on their journey to recovery.

signs and stages


Supportive Community:

ZeROH Cells serve as a vital support system for individuals grappling with alcohol addiction. Through peer support, group discussions, and mentorship, members can find encouragement, accountability, and practical strategies for overcoming addiction and maintaining sobriety.

Supportive Community


Professional Resources:

In addition to peer support, ZeROH connects individuals with professional resources, including counseling services, treatment programs, and rehabilitation centers. We believe in a holistic approach to recovery that addresses the physical, emotional, and psychological aspects of addiction.

Professional Resources

Intervention area 2 : Underage Drinking


Education and Prevention:

ZeROH is committed to preventing underage drinking through education, advocacy, and community engagement. We partner with schools, youth organizations, and parents to raise awareness about the risks and consequences of underage drinking and empower young people to make healthy choices.

Education and Prevention


Peer Influence:

ZeROH Cells provide a safe space for young people to discuss peer pressure, social influences, and strategies for resisting underage drinking. By fostering open dialogue and offering support, we help young individuals navigate challenging situations and make informed decisions about alcohol consumption.

Peer Influence


Parental Guidance:

ZeROH offers resources and guidance for parents on how to talk to their children about alcohol, set clear expectations and boundaries, and provide support and guidance as they navigate adolescence. By empowering parents with knowledge and tools, we aim to create a supportive environment where underage drinking is not tolerated

Parental Guidance

Intervention area 3 : Drinking and Driving


Awareness Campaigns:

ZeROH raises awareness about the dangers of drinking and driving through public awareness campaigns, educational workshops, and community events. By highlighting the risks and consequences of impaired driving, we aim to prevent alcohol-related accidents and save lives



Designated Drivers:

ZeROH encourages the use of designated drivers and alternative transportation options to prevent drinking and driving. Through partnerships with ride-sharing services, taxi companies, and public transit agencies, we promote responsible decision-making and provide practical alternatives for individuals who have been drinking.

designated driver


Community Responsibility:

ZeROH advocates for stricter enforcement of laws against drinking and driving and supports initiatives that promote responsible alcohol consumption, such as alcohol screening and brief intervention programs. By engaging with law enforcement agencies, policymakers, and community stakeholders, we work to create safer roads and communities for everyone.

community responsibility

Intervention area 4 : Drinking While Pregnant


Educational Resources:

ZeROH provides information and resources to educate expectant mothers about the risks of drinking alcohol during pregnancy. From the potential impact on fetal development to the long-term consequences for the child, we strive to empower women to make informed choices for the health and well-being of their unborn baby.

educational resources


Supportive Environment:

ZeROH Cells offer a supportive environment for expectant mothers to discuss their concerns, seek guidance, and receive encouragement from peers and mentors. By fostering a non-judgmental space where women feel supported and understood, we aim to promote healthy behaviors and reduce the prevalence of prenatal alcohol exposure.

supportive environment


Access to Healthcare:

ZeROH advocates for improved access to prenatal care and support services for pregnant women struggling with alcohol addiction. We work with healthcare providers, social service agencies, and community organizations to ensure that pregnant women receive the care and support they need to address alcohol-related issues and promote the health of their baby.

Healthcare Access